
Detsember. Kõigil on kiire. Pole olnud selles osas ma mingi erand. Juba aastaid. Kuni hetkeni, mil kõik on teisiti. Kui korraga pole süsteeme, organiseeritust, kindlustunnet, usku endasse ja maailma, selle võimalikkusesse. Kui kokku saavad vabadus ja hirm. Vabadus valida ja hirm valituks mitte saada. Need on hetked kui me märkame, et turvalisus ja tasakaal on meie enda loodud kujutelm. Et maailma paindlikkus on ainult illusioon, mida me armastame uskuda. Meie maailm kaob samakiirelt kui miraaž kõrbes. Kaob, et saaks tekkida uus,  illusoorsem ja ebareaalsem. 

Mul pole vastuseid. Pole küsimusigi. On vaid teadmine, et seda õppetundi on millekski vaja. Et selle läbi on võimalik areneda ja kasvada. Aga  mis siis kui ei ole jaksu kasvada? Kui ainsaks sooviks on olla habras ja haavatav, õrn ja avatud. Kas maailm on valmis sellise minaga leppima? Kas mina olen valmis sellise minaga leppima? 

Take my hand and lead the way
Out of the darkness and into the light of the day
And take me somewhere I'll be safe
Carry my lifeless body away from the pain
'Cause I know what I've been missing
And I know that I should try
But there's hope in this submission
And there's freedom in your eyes

I'm sick and tired of being afraid
If I cry anymore then my tears will wash me away
But when I hear you call my name
I whisper the world that I never thought I'd ever say

And I hope to God you'll listen
And you'll keep me safe from harm
'Cause I found what I was missing
When I fell into your arms

I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help

'Cause I know what I've been missing
And I know that I should try
But there's hope in this submission
And there's freedom in your eyes
I'm sick and tired of being afraid
If I cry anymore then my tears will wash me away
But when I hear you call my name
I whisper the world that I never thought I'd ever say

And I hope to God you'll listen
And you'll keep me safe from harm
'Cause I found what I was missing
When I fell into your arms

I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help

I'm sick and tired of being afraid
If I cry anymore then my tears will wash me away
But when I hear you call my name
I whisper the world that I never thought I'd ever say
And I hope to God you'll listen
And you'll keep me safe from harm
'Cause I found what I was missing
When I fell into your arms

I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help

And I hope to God you'll listen
And you'll keep me safe from harm
'Cause I found what I was missing
When I fell into your arms
I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help

I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help

/Theo Hutchcraft, Adam Anderson/


  1. Ei ole lihtne koht olemiseks. Aeg, mil õpitakse palju. Kui õpitakse muidugi. Õppimine algab vastutusest... Ohvrirüü langetamisest..., mis näitab näpuga väljapoole ja ütleb, et mina olen vaid pelk ohver.
    Sinu puhul ma ei kahtlegi, et Sa näed juba praegu, kui palju selles keerulises ajas on võimalusi. Aga alati kõike kohe ei näe. Olles asjas sees, ei olegi alati võimalik. Oleneb meie teadlikkuse astmest. Olen kogenud, et paljusid olukordi mõistamegi alles tagasivaates täielikult.

    Aitäh, et kirjutad. Su lood on tõesti kaasahaaravad!


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